Applications have closed for our camp, but you can apply early for our 2024-2025 After School and Saturday classes!
The camp is for rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students and tuition is covered 100% for eligible students. This is one of our most popular programs and students who participate are guaranteed a spot in our school year pre-college program. Programming will be conducted both onsite at our location in Flatiron (39 W. 19th ST) as well as virtually for students who desire to participate online.
What to expect:
You'll make friends with other students who love games as much as you!
You'll talk about your favorite games and why you love them with other gamers
You'll explore the foundations of game design by playing games with other students and creating your own games
You'll learn the C# programming language on the Unity Game Engine
You'll learn digital animation, music production, and narrative writing
You'll be taught by amazing, fun, and kind teachers who will accompany you through each step of the game design process
You'll participate in a game jam with other students
You'll build your own game!

Want more info? Click on here to be added to our mailing list. If you have questions, please reach out to our admissions team at sia@urbanarts.org.